"Mastering Screenwriting" is a complete guide to writing the modern film both short and feature-length. Author Donald H. Hewitt draws from his many years as a working screenwriter and as a screenwriting professor at UCLA, USC, and other top film schools. “I have always been frustrated with existing books since they didn’t really reflect my experience as a professional writer,” claimed the author in response to why he wrote this book.
The book provides a practical and actionable method for getting from the idea stage to a finished script. “As a professional, you have to have a process you can rely on to deliver high quality results quickly and efficiently.” This professional methodology forms the basis for the lessons and exercises in the book. He also offers advice on screenplay writing samples for film school applications and a detailed teachers guide for those who wish to use the book as a textbook, including self-learners. Throughout the book, you'll find information on the business of filmmaking and what it means to be a working screenwriter in Hollywood, plus some interesting anecdotes from Don's career.
Mastering Screenwriting
- Info Blast -
In this video, I dispel the myth that you should be writing screenplays that are 120 pages. This is an old fashion approach that leads to screenplays that are too long and will not be well received.
Modern screenplays should be 100 pages.

Screenwriting Coach
If you're ready to make the jump, not just write but be a screenwriter, I am here for you. I will guide you step-by-step from logline, to outline, to a completed draft, giving you clear, constructive feedback every step of the way.
Things are really going well here at ScreenwritingCoachLA.
So well that I'm not going to be able to take on any more new clients for the moment. I am a working writer.
But PLEASE feel free to contact me, so that I can get you on the waitlist. I'm still looking forward to hearing from you!

I am a working screenwriter and WGA member with 24 years of industry experience.
I teach advanced screenwriting and core screenwriting classes at
USC School of Cinematic Arts and UCLA.
Currently, I am writing the upcoming anime feature Mfinda as well as Sci-Fi feature Gods of Mars. Recently, I wrote
a mini-series based on a classic novel set to star and produced by Sir Ben Kingsley. I have written extensively in the feature world including credits on Hayao Miyazaki's Oscar-winning and Oscar-nominated films. I have also had the privilege of working with some of the top producers in the industry, such as: John Lasseter, Peter Chernin, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, David Heyman, Eric Fellner, Tim Bevan, Charles Roven and Alex Gartner.
My passionate screenwriting guidance has led to numerous students' success.
My screenwriting class has been rated the "Best in LA" by LA Weekly.

How do I sell my screenplay?

It took me years to develop the skills to be a professional screenwriter.
One of the many hats I wear is Screenplay Competition Judge. I love it. It gives me a chance to see what's going on. And what I see is that most screenplays fail right from the start. They are missing critical elements that are essential for professional screenplays to be successful. There are hundreds of screenplay consultants that will read your finished screenplay and tell you what you did wrong. What my foundation, premier, and ultimate programs do is start with you at the beginning. Make sure your story has a solid foundation and that all the dramatic elements are there for your story to be a success.
The most valuable resource in the world is time. Don't waste it. Let's work together to make your story great right now.
*** Here's the deal - I'm a working screenwriter, I can only take a limited number of clients on at any given time. ***
*** Please note that these are educational rates. If you are a producer and would like me to work on your project please contract me regarding my professional rates. ***
Get Started Right!
I will guide you through the most important part of writing a screenplay. Starting with creating a compelling logline, constructing solid structure, bringing dynamic characters to life and developing a dramatic outline using my unique outline approach. Once you've completed my foundation, writing your screenplay will be exciting and fun because you know you're on solid ground and you know where you're going.
Feature Film $500
1-Hour TV Pilot $400
Start Strong. Finish Strong.
We'll start with the Foundation then dive into writing your screenplay. I'll read your pages each week and give you concise constructive feedback.
Feature Film $1500
1-Hour TV Pilot $1000
Hands on Assistance and Guidance
I'll work with you. Brainstorm with you regarding the concept, the story beats, the characters. I will guide you through my unique Outline format which leads to dynamic, engaging stories. As you begin writing, I will review your pages on a weekly basis, giving highly specific guidance, even tweaking lines of dialog and description. But you will always be the captain of the ship. My goal is to help you tell the story you want to tell.
Feature Film $5000
One-Hour TV Pilot $4000
Make Your Script Shine!
You've written your masterpiece, BUT it's just not there yet. I'll read your screenplay and give you extensive notes. But more importantly, we'll work through my process, Starting with creating a compelling logline, then re-construct your structure, and add new dimensions to your characters. Then, each week, I'll read your new pages and give you strong, clear concise feedback. I offer two Package levels: Premier – extensive clear guidance, or Ultimate – hands on assistance and guidance.
Premier Feature Film $2000
Premier 1-Hour TV Pilot $1500
Ultimate Feature Film $5000
Ultimate 1-Hour TV Pilot $4000
Pitch with Confidence!
Pitching is one of the most critical aspects of being a screenwriter. Unfortunately, most of us writers are introverts and find it extremely difficult! But don't worry! After working with me, you will feel comfortable and confident that your pitch is delivering on your story idea!
Short Pitch $200
Professional Pitch $500 - $1000
This is Your Chance!
In one of the all time great movies, Body Heat, Mickey Rourke says “Any time you try a decent crime, you've got 50 ways you can fuck up, if you can think of 25 of them, you're a genius.” Same goes for meetings. I've been to hundreds of meetings. I will completely prepare you so that when you walk in that room, you will feel comfortable and confident.
Meeting Prep $200
w/ Short Pitch $300
How do you pitch?

It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.
Ernest Hemingway
You decide it's time. It's time to become a screenwriter. You fill out the form and...
(Let me know what package you're interested in and where you heard about me.)

My good friend, Javi, is an incredibly successful writer. He's also incredibly generous, making much of his work available for download. Check out pitches, pilots, etc. both successful and unsuccessful.